Le site va bientôt fermé. Je laisse encore les patrons gratuits quelques temps.
Retrouvez toutes les activités dont les cours sur le site de Tricot-T.ch
New patterns
FREE PATTERN - Oscar the caterpillar - Instructions in FrenchCHF 0.00
FREE PATTERN - Oscar the caterpillar - Instructions in EnglishCHF 0.00
FREE PATTERN - Crochet Saguaro cactus - instructions in EnglishCHF 0.00
FREE PATTERN - Crochet Saguaro cactus - instructions in FrenchCHF 0.00
PATRON GRATUIT – Porte-clés au crochet cactus en forme de coeur dans son pot – Modèle en anglaisCHF 0.00
PATRON GRATUIT – Porte-clés au crochet cactus en forme de coeur dans son pot – Modèle en françaisCHF 0.00
Crochet & me
Crochet is a not a so old technique since it appeared in Europe in the 18th century. It's a technique that resisted me for a long time, but I managed to tame it a few years ago.
Because of crochet, I even gave up knitting a bit. I can't help it ... single crochet and double crochet are my new addictions!

Crochet, the most wonderful tool!
I use all hook sizes but I think 2.25mm and 1.75mm are my favorite at the moment.
With all these hooks that I can create so many different shapes: circles, cones, squares, triangles ...
With crochet the possibilities are endless!